Friday, July 16, 2010

What Summer is Over? just informed me that Summer isn't over just the summer program at the library. Phew that was close. OK so tonight was the last program at the library :( We have had a blast this summer at the library. Who knew the library had so many things to do. We've been to puppet shows, saw reptiles, met an author, seen two magic shows, sang, read books, and met Fiddlin' Dan. I'm sure I'm leaving out something. All in all it's been a lot of fun. Some things more than others. I loved Fiddlin' Dan and I love when Mr. Jimmy sings and plays the guitar (but he still isn't better than Uncle D).

Even though I'm only 9 months old, Miss Lynn told mommy that I could sign up for the reading program. So she signed me up. The book up above is my favorite one that mommy read to me. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D even bought a copy for me to have (which worked out great because we met the author, and he autographed it for me!) Mommy read me 11 books this summer (ok mommy reads to me everyday but you only have to list 10 books to get a prize!). After you read 10 books you take your booklet back to the library and you get lots of cool stuff! I've turned my list in and here's what I got!

(sorry I can't figure out how to rotate the picture) Anyway for those that can't see it sideways I got a stuffed fish, a book mark, a coupon for a free waffle from the waffle house, a free cup of ice dream from Chick-fil-A, a certificate from Chick-fil-A, a certificate from the library, a free dinner from IHOP, and a free meal from Texas Roadhouse!)

So now that the program is over when are back to just baby time on Monday mornings. Which is ok with me. I'm making so many new friends at baby time and so is mommy. Ok that's all for tonight. I've super tired and mommy is super excited that I'm finally tired. Night night!

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