Friday, July 30, 2010


This talking thing is pretty cool. Daddy was off work Wednesday and Thursday this week so we did a little bit of going; OK a lot of going. Wednesday we went to Wal-mart and bought groceries, we swam, and ate a great Mexican dinner (I had rice). Thursday we went to Douglasville. Mommy packed a bag and I thought we were going somewhere to spend the night. We played flash cards, read books, acted goofy (OK mommy acted goofy), and sang songs along with my CD (and in case you were wondering I like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Peanut that sat on the Railroad Track) We went to Garden Ridge...look like a girly store to me. Daddy did get some manly signs to hang up in our Man Room. Mommy found me some more flash cards and she got a new grater. You would have thought daddy bought her a new car. She was beyond excited. Then we found a cool store with lots of toys. I got a book and it was free! Mommy says free is the best price! We had lunch a Mellow Mushroom. I wasn't crazy about it. No kid menu for me. :( We came home and I napped then we went to buy paint for our man room. Daddy let mommy pick out the color. I think he felt guilty since its our room. She picked out a pale purple, I looked at daddy like stop her...but he didn't. Thank goodness daddy says most of it will be covered with our signs. I'm teething some horrible lately and about 5 hours of sleep is all I need and those aren't all together. Poor mommy. She's a trooper though. With all my new teeth I'm talking a lot more. Yesterday I said Owl...and if mommy asks me what it says I say HOOOO HOOO! I can say Apple, and I tried to say Sharon. Of course I can say D. And I only talk when I want too, so don't try to make me. OK I think I'll go to bed and try to sleep for a little while. It's the weekend and Daddy's working so I'll probably blog tomorrow. Oh and one last thing....I can say Plane ticket to Japan but it doesn't do any good. (Love you Aunt Brandi)

1 comment:

  1. Darn it!! You gotta do something cute while you say it!! Come on Corbino don't let me down =0)
