Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Friday!

Today was pretty much uneventful. Mommy was going to take me on a walk this morning but ants had invaded my wagon so no walk for us. :( So we drove to Granny and Harold's. I played with my blocks, cars, and of course Harold. We stayed until lunch time. I got to play with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. We won't see them tomorrow because Uncle D is playing in North Georgia with his band. Wish I could go. When we came home I took a nap. I know I'm so nice to mommy. When daddy left for work me and mommy went with Granny, Harold, and Robert to Wal-mart and out to eat. We went to Golden Corral for dinner. Like I've heard daddy say I had meal fit for a King. Ok I guess my meal was fit for prince since daddy is the king :) I had brisket, potatoes, corn on the cob, carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe, ice cream, and jello. I was stuffed when we left there. At Wal-mart Harold and Granny bought me two little cars! Boy do I love cars! Mommy bought me a new toothbrush and tooth paste. So we are home now and I've had my bath, I think I'm gonna go jump in the bed and sleep for a few hours. That's about all I need to recharge my batteries. I think mommy might need a little more sleep than I do though. I think she and I are going to go to a few yard sales in the morning, maybe I can find something fun for me! Nighty night.

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