Thursday was a very busy day...I had a doctor's appointment early in the morning (see next blog for more on that) then we had lunch, mom did a little shopping at the grocery store, then it was nap time, followed by dinner, and then we went to the library. The kids sang some song about a spider man and then this man came running in the library, and to my surprise he didn't have 8 legs like spiders do. He was dressed in a really tight blue and red outfit (see picture). In fact come to think about it didn't look anything like a spider. So when a man comes dressed up "like a spider" what do you do? Well if you are my mom you hand over your baby and have his picture made :) I thought he looked funny. He was really nice. After the picture mommy took me back in the library and got me 6 books! I forgot to mention I'm in the summer reading program at the library. I've just completed my 11th book which means next time I'll get a fish at the library! Today we didn't do too much. We did take a little walk this morning and one with Aunt Sue and Will this afternoon. It's the weekend and daddy is working :( We have plans for this weekend even though daddy is working. My friend Abby's mom invited us to their house for dinner Sunday. I'm excited! Mommy said they would have a pool that we can play in! Yippie! OK it's late so I better get to bed. Happy Weekend Everyone!
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