Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On The Go

Geez...how can I tell mom I'm tired of going. This morning we went to the library for a story teller. I didn't find this fun at ALL! Mom and I have only missed one event at the library this summer, and that was because we were at Vacation Bible School. So anyway we stayed for about 30 minutes and listened to the story teller, then I think we ran about a million errands, which I'm sure would have went by faster if mom hadn't forgot her wallet at home (we had to go back and get it). I only took one nap today so I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tonight.
We tried to take a walk today but it started raining just like it did yesterday. Two days in a row now we've been caught in the rain right in the middle of our walk. Thank goodness Harold comes to get us. Daddy is off work tomorrow and Thursday so who knows what we will do. I hope to do a lot of napping with daddy while it rains. Me and daddy love to nap while it rains, and I love to sleep in the big bed with daddy anytime, rain or no rain. OK that's all for tonight, think I'll try to give mommy some time to herself. Night night.

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