Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Weekend Recap
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Play Date and Pool Time
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Go Go Go
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Where Do I Begin?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
New Discoveries
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Super Saturday
Friday, July 16, 2010
It's Friday!
What Summer is Over?

(sorry I can't figure out how to rotate the picture) Anyway for those that can't see it sideways I got a stuffed fish, a book mark, a coupon for a free waffle from the waffle house, a free cup of ice dream from Chick-fil-A, a certificate from Chick-fil-A, a certificate from the library, a free dinner from IHOP, and a free meal from Texas Roadhouse!)
So now that the program is over when are back to just baby time on Monday mornings. Which is ok with me. I'm making so many new friends at baby time and so is mommy. Ok that's all for tonight. I've super tired and mommy is super excited that I'm finally tired. Night night!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
On The Go
We tried to take a walk today but it started raining just like it did yesterday. Two days in a row now we've been caught in the rain right in the middle of our walk. Thank goodness Harold comes to get us. Daddy is off work tomorrow and Thursday so who knows what we will do. I hope to do a lot of napping with daddy while it rains. Me and daddy love to nap while it rains, and I love to sleep in the big bed with daddy anytime, rain or no rain. OK that's all for tonight, think I'll try to give mommy some time to herself. Night night.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Weekend Recap
Friday night we went to Sam's and Cracker Barrel with Granny and Harold. Boy do I love those Chicken and Dumplings from Cracker Barrel! Saturday morning none of us could sleep. We all woke up around 5:30. By 7 am we were in the car and headed to grab breakfast. I fell asleep in the car, which never happens, so mommy and daddy took advantage of it and they did a little yard sale shopping. The big finds of the day? Two blue pool noodles and a Speed Limit Sign for my birthday party! We spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool. Daddy made dinner for mommy Saturday night and we had a nice quiet evening. Sunday morning I stayed with Granny so mommy and daddy could go look for party supplies (don't you know my birthday is coming up fast). When they got back I was really tired so I took my nap at Granny's so mommy and daddy could swim. Sunday night mommy made a big Mexican dinner and they pigged out. I had macaroni and beef dinner and a few cookies :) Last night I wasn't tired even though mommy was. I think I finally went to sleep around 1:40 this morning. Even though we were tired we went to baby time this morning and boy am I glad we did. I had a great time. I saw Abby, Ian (my newest friend), and I met a new little girl this morning. Her name is Ashland. Baby time wears me out so I think I'm gonna go take a nap. We have a busy day tomorrow. Story time at the library then who knows what mommy has up her sleeve! Hope y'all have a good Monday!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's the Weekend
Anyway not to leave mommy out. She and I went to the library tonight. I didn't really want to go. I was really tired but she took me anyway. Tonight was the Birds of Prey Show. I only saw one bird the whole time. We ended up getting 4 books at the library for me. Then she took me to Granny and Harold's in the hopes she could keep me awake a little bit longer. It worked. We read books, rode around in my little car, and played outside for a few minutes. It was 103 degrees today. What does that mean? Well I don't know other than it was HOT!
Ok I think I will head to bed now. I think mommy mentioned to daddy today about going to see Mrs. Brandi tomorrow for lunch. Guess mommy has a play date (hehehe). Night night!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Fourth, Fun, and It's Almost Friday
Friday, July 2, 2010
9 Months Old
What I can do
- sit up by myself most of the time, I still get wobbly sometimes though
- I can feed myself if it's on my tray
- I eat big people food like mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit (my favorite vegetable is potatoes, and my favorite fruit...that's hard it's between blueberries and watermelon)
- I love bread, any kind, biscuits, rolls, buns, just bread
- I am starting to talk, I say ma-ma, da-da, I said DOG, and mommy is pretty sure she heard me say Cathy, which has prompted her to tell daddy she is to referred to only by Mama and of course mommy says at one time I've said Home and Uncle
- I love to be outside. I love my stroller, I love my wagon, and I love my green car
- I crawl backwards and I love to roll everywhere
- I love riding in the buggy at walmart
- I love playing with building blocks and I love flash cards
- I am starting to play with toys when I take my bath
- I love to swim
- I love (and I do mean LOVE) dogs!
And for my dislikes...
- I still hate the car (which is why mommy and daddy haven't got to visit Aunt Jeanine and Angie)
- I don't like it when daddy drinks from the water bottles and I don't get to have my own
- I don't like to be left alone
- I have a tad bit of separation anxiety when my mommy leaves me
- I don't like it that I can't get down on the ground like all the other kids
Well that pretty much sums up me at this point. I'm teething. I currently have 4 teeth up top and 2 on the bottom. I wear 24 month clothing and I love my mommy and daddy. Life is good!
Spider Man!