So if you read my last post you remember I went to the Races with Harold, Jeri, Robert, Will, and Jamie right? Well I had a great time. We left Granny and Harold's around 5:30 and we went and got pizza, drinks, and snacks. Then it was off to the races. We had a great time. It was loud but boy did I have fun. Mommy knew better than to expect pictures since I'm pretty active I usually keep everyone on their toes! Harold called mommy one time to let her know I was doing fine. Mommy enjoyed her night by going out to eat with Granny and Nana then doing a little shopping, then she came home and cleaned. Guess that is what she considers fun. I didn't get home until 12:45!!!!! Mommy was super bored time I got home! I was fast asleep...

I think mommy was happy to have me back home!
When I woke up Sunday morning the Easter Bunny had been! Look at all this stuff! I got 24 hot wheels, 2 tractor trailers to haul my cars, a suction cup basket ball set, a pop ball, a baby chicken (not a real one!), Cars Tattoos, peeps, banana marshmallows, a bug net, suckers, marshmellow bunnies covered with chocolate, reese's peanut butter eggs, and lots of m&m's.
Here's me in my Easter outfit; ready for the fun to begin! Easter morning Jamie and Will got to stay with me and mommy instead of going to church. We had a great time playing cars. We had Easter lunch at our house then it was on to hunting eggs!

I finally got the idea of finding eggs! And boy did they hide some in hard places! I found the most eggs here! I found 49 eggs! (10 more than I found at church the day before)! Most of my eggs had candy in them but one of them had 5.00 in it! And then I got about 3.00 in change!

Here is me and my mommy on Easter!

And here is me and my dad!
And one last basket to finish up Easter! My basket from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert. The basket had a book, a car, some marshmallow bunnies, two little people things, and three pouches of applesauce but I ate them all soon as I saw them! Super yummy!
So all in all I had a great Easter, much better than the last one. I was super tired from all the hunting and eating! Hope everyone else had a great Easter as well!