Monday, February 8, 2010


That's all I can say about Saturday. We woke Daddy up and then we left. Mommy and daddy took me to Granny and Harold's so they could run to the bank. When they got back we all loaded up in the car and took a little ride. We went to the nursing home in Carrollton and visited Aunt Mott and Mozelle. We didn't stay too long at the nursing home, but I enjoyed seeing new faces and meeting new people. When we left there of course mommy and daddy had to have something to eat. Mommy loves to eat at Sonic but she was nice and decided on Taco Bell because they haven't been eating out a lot and she knew they wouldn't be eating out a lot in the coming week she wanted daddy to have what he loves. After they ate we went to visit with BeBe and Grandaddy Musick. BeBe had her fingernails painted and boy did I love playing with her hands. She laid me on the couch and I showed her how I like to pull up! We didn't stay too long with them because it was getting close to my nap time. Soon as we got in the car I was out. I napped while mommy and daddy went to Wal-mart. When I woke up we were back in the car and headed to MyLean and Keith's house. When we got there I saw another baby. She is the same age as me (well actually I'm 5 days older) I enjoyed seeing someone my size. We stared at each other and tried to talk. They were getting ready to eat dinner so we didn't stay there long either. Once we got home I was so tired. Mommy and daddy fixed dinner then we all just laid in the bed. I was so tired that I had a hard time falling asleep Saturday night. It was after midnight before I went to sleep. Mommy decided that since it was so late when I went to bed that we would just sleep in and skip church. Sunday morning we didn't do too much. We just hung around the house and relaxed. Sunday afternoon Paw Paw and Grandmaw Tweedell came to visit. Of course he took lots of pictures of me. I enjoy them coming to see me! Grandmaw Becky of course held me, and even Paw Paw held me this time! When they left we loaded up and went to see Maw-Maw at the nursing home. Mommy and daddy put my new car seat in the car. Man is it better than that old car seat. I hated that thing. I actually rode for a little while without screaming. Sunday night we didn't do much. Daddy had to stay awake all night so he could sleep today. I woke up this morning at 4 am and decided it was time to play. I don't understand why mommy doesn't like to play that early? She always looks so tired. I didn't sleep well last night. It was a combination of my tummy and teeth. Yep teeth. I'm cutting two teeth at once. That makes for one fussy boy. Mom was great though she brought me out of the bedroom so daddy wouldn't be bothered. I finally went back to sleep around 8 this morning and I slept til 11. We missed story time this morning but it was worth it for a few extra hours of sleep. Mommy had lots of paperwork to do today so I was good and let her work. When she got done I took a nap and then she made dinner for her and daddy. Daddy is now working the night shift which will be permanent. Mommy was a little upset today because it's her first time being at home all night with just me and her here. Daddy said we would get used to it. He said I had to take care of mommy. I'm doing a good job so far I think. We went to Granny and Harold's for a little while to play. Now we are back home and getting ready for bed. I have to go tomorrow for my 4-month shots. YUCK! Mommy is gonna take me by herself so that should be interesting. Well I guess that's all for tonight. I'm gonna go to bed now and rest before those dreaded shots in the morning.
Oh and we are now counting down to another big event! My "Aunt" Lindsay in Kentucky is expecting a baby! YAY...I'm either gonna have a new best buddy or a girlfriend. (I'm hoping for a girlfriend) She is due in October. She found exactly one year and 1 week from the day that mommy and daddy found out they were having me! So congratulation to "Aunt" Lindsay and Dusty. We can't wait to meet Baby Wagner :)

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