So last night we did the usual. We waited by the door for daddy to get home. Mom had made grilled BBQ chicken and tater tots. They ate and I kept wondering where is my "food". Then mom had to get out the camera and I knew something big was gonna happen. She went to pantry and got this tiny jar of mush. I thought well that must be something to go in my food. WRONG...that was my food. We didn't go to McDonald's, no Taco Bell, or Long Horn. She grabbed something from the closet and I was supposed to eat it. She got my bowl out and poured this stuff in it. She tasted it and to my surprise she didn't make a face. Then she gave me some. And believe it or not it wasn't that bad. I had butternut squash. Mom said it is one of her favorite vegetables. I loved every bite of it. It's exciting being able to have flavors now. Mom said I would have to eat the same thing for a few days before I can try anything new. I know she's got other kinds of food hiding in that closet and I'm ready for them. After I finished my bowl of food, daddy tried to give me something in a bottle. That was weird. He said it was some kind of juice. Apple I think is what he said. Anyway I wasn't having that. It tasted sour to me.
Last night was pretty exciting besides getting to try food Daddy was off work the next day so we didn't have to be quiet at night. We played and watched tv. I slept with mommy and daddy last night because I was quiet gassy. Yuck. Gas isn't any fun.
This morning we got up and like it used to be we went to Granny and Harold's so mommy and daddy could go walking. Daddy has his physical part of the test Friday (if it doesn't rain). Please say a little prayer that Daddy passes with flying colors! We know he can do it but I'm sure he is nervous about it. Daddy is loving this job and his hours so we really want him to do good! While they were gone walking Granny tried to give me some pear juice but I didn't like it either. Juice is really weird if you ask me.
Well that's all for now. I'm counting down til tonight when I can finish off that jar of baby food :) And when daddy gets home tomorrow he will be off the rest of the week! YAY for extra long weekends!
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