Friday, February 26, 2010

Jump Jump Jump Around

OK so tonight I kept hearing mommy talk about this Johnny Jump Up thing...I figured she was losing her mind. My name isn't Johnny and I'm pretty sure I've never jumped. Anyway mommy's been really busy lately trying to tag stuff and get everything ready for the consignment sale so tonight I thought she was getting me ready for bed...and the next thing I know daddy is hanging something from their bedroom doorway. Well I didn't know what it was and I didn't figure I would find out tonight since it was close to my bed time. Then mommy put me in this contraption. At first I wasn't sure about it. It took them a few minutes to convince me that I could move. Then it was on...I love this thing. I can move without mommy and daddy holding me. I can look in the hallway then spin around and I can see in the bedroom. Mommy is very happy that she can put me down for a few minutes now so she can at least fold a load of clothes. I'm excited that I can move around a bit. Mommy and Daddy laughed at me all night! I think they should rename this should be Corbin Jump Up cause my name isn't Johnny, but I don't think that will happen. Oh well. I love being mobile so watch out world here I come!

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