Well let's see I've been so busy it's been hard to keep up on here. So let's play my favorite blogging game...Catch up with Corbin...so ok my last post I told you we were spending the night at Granny and Harold's, well we didn't. Mom put me to bed at 10 and about 10:30 I woke back up. We played then at midnight I still wouldn't go to sleep so Harold brought us home. Mom fed me and I went right to sleep. Granny and Harold's house is fun but that night I just wanted my own bed. Last Saturday was pretty fun. We mostly just hung around Granny and Harold's and played. I have a toy box over there with all kinds of toys in it. I've got a jukebox, books, a phone, a ring stacker, and tools. Sunday was Valentine's Day, not sure what this is, seems kind of silly to me to pick one day out of the year to tell someone you love them. Mommy and Daddy tell me every day. Mommy says this holiday is made up from the people at Hallmark just to make more money. Mommy and Daddy don't celebrate it. They are anti-Valentine. But despite that we did meet up with Granny and Harold at Golden Corral on Valentine's Day morning for breakfast. Daddy got off work then we headed out there. Sunday afternoon we went to Franklin with Granny to go buy groceries. When we got back Harold had bought Granny, Mommy, Aunt Sharon, and me a gift. Granny, Aunt Sharon, and Mommy all got a rose and a box of chocolates. I got a basket with a bear, candy, a rose, and a balloon. I love my balloon and my bear! Daddy was off work Monday and Tuesday this week. We spent our days here at the house relaxing. Daddy worked Wednesday and Thursday, and he had to go run Thursday. He ran the mile in 13 minutes and 48 seconds. Phew! Sounds hard to me. They told him to work on getting it down to 13 minutes flat and I'm sure he will! He also had to go to the shooting range. He scored an 89 on his test (you have to make at least a 80 to pass). We are so proud of daddy! They are talking about him going to "boot camp" in March. Mommy is happy and sad. Happy because she is thankful daddy has a job and he loves it, but sad that we won't see very much of him for awhile. Daddy is excited but he says he will miss us. Mommy has me on a good schedule of eating, sleeping, and playing, so we will see how much this throws me off. Yesterday we let Daddy sleep in because he worked really long hours Thursday. When he woke up we went and visited Maw-Maw Marks then we picked Robert up and we went to The Hollow to pick up dinner. I got to spend lots of time with Harold and Granny yesterday. Now on to today. I woke up at 6 am ready to play which is better than Thursday night, because I woke at 2 am then and wouldn't go back to sleep until 5:30. Mommy and Daddy were up too so we all got ready and headed to wal-mart to pick up groceries for this week. I did really good. I only got fussy once and we were there a long time. When we got back home Aunt Shellie and Devin came by. Aunt Shellie got a new apartment and mommy and daddy gave her some lamps for her new place. Mommy and Daddy said I could stay with Aunt Shellie the next time they have to run to Target because I don't like that place. Now I just woke up from my nap and mommy is gonna give me my bath because tonight I'm going to Granny and Harold's so mommy and daddy can have date night. I don't know what they do when I'm not around. I bet they wonder what I'm doing. Ok I guess I need to go so I can get ready. Since Daddy works all week I'm sure I will be able to keep up with my blog. It's hard to play all day then remember to blog at night :) Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
oOoOo date night i'm jealous! can't wait to hear all about it =0)