Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday Funday
Me and mommy had a great time today. We woke up and had breakfast. Mommy introduced me to sugar toast! Yummy! Then we read a TON of books. We went outside and worked on my playhouse and I got to help. We had a great lunch with daddy. Mommy made me cheese roll ups and she and daddy had something mexican. Me and daddy watch cartoons and then we went to our guy room while mommy finished up a few things on the playhouse. I had a great nap because I woke up a little bit early and mommy held me so I could get some good rest. We went to Granny and Harold's this afternoon and Granny and Nana had finally got done with my airplane and it's awesome. Tommy (the guy that works for the transport business) is bringing it over tomorrow in the big truck. I'm so excited! I can't wait to post pictures of it! Our yard is going to be full of toys but mommy says that what she wants. Tonight after dinner while mommy was on the phone with Aunt Lindsay I started feeling sick. I cried but mommy couldn't figure out what was wrong. *Sorry Aunt Lindsay, mommy really wanted to talk to you but I was being...well a boy; what else can I say* She tried giving me a bath but that didn't help. Mommy put me on the couch and got ready to put my pajamas on and then it happened; I puked everywhere! GROSS!!!! Daddy says he thinks thats my way of getting rid of all the mucus stuff in my chest. YUCK. I'm tired of being sick, I'm ready to stay outside all day and run around! Oh well maybe it will all be over soon! Daddy is off the next two days so hopefully me and him can work on my swing set and maybe get done with that. I'm ready to swing, fly, climb my rock wall, and slide! I'm one lucky little kid! Night night!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Handy Mommy
Yep have you met my mom? Handy Mommy! She managed to put together my pull along sand box/water table yesterday and today she started on my house. She even used daddy's big power drill! Yep that's my mom! I helped her too, I brought her my screw driver and the instructions. We didn't do too much today. We did go to the park but it was all older kids that didn't want to play with me...what a bummer. Mommy has been busy cleaning the house and playing with me. It's daddy's long weekend but we are just counting down the days until his short week! Mommy has a to-do for him that is really long! Poor daddy! We went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's tonight. I had a great time running around, looking for the dog, and annoying the cat. I played on Roberts bed, looked at the hermit crab, snuck into the laundry room while Uncle D was changing out the kitty litter, had some chips, a piece of cake, and ran around like I was crazy! So all in all it was good time. It wore me out. I think I'm going to bed now! Night night!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hello Swing Set :) Hello Flu :(
Well we finally got my swing set after mommy got really mad with the place. And I don't know if you have ever seen mommy mad...well it's not a pretty thing. Anyway before that could happen I got sick Saturday. I puked for the first time. Hey isn't that a funny word; puke. I laugh when I hear it because it's just funny to me, but it's not funny to do it. Mommy did call the doctor Monday because I hadn't eaten anything or kept anything down since Saturday morning but thank goodness I didn't have to go see the doctor. Now it's Friday and I've been sick for about a week now and I guess since I'm such a good boy I decided to share my sickness with mommy; so now she has it too. We are both feeling better but I'm so ready to be over all this so I can run outside and play. So daddy worked on my swing set all day Thursday and he got about 1/3 of the way through, at least that's what he said. When I finally see the swings up I'll be excited! I can't wait. My play dates are going to be the BEST! Granny and Nana worked on putting together my air plane for my play ground and mommy put together my sand box/water table. I am one lucky little boy! I can't wait for the summer!!!! Ok I think I'm going to bed to get some extra rest tonight. I sure do miss daddy being at home tonight. I've been going downstairs with him every night and watching movies with him until I fall asleep. Mommy took me down there tonight but I kept asking for daddy. At least she tried but who is she kidding, she's no daddy. And I don't think I'm going to tell daddy that I let mommy in our guy room, he might get mad! Ha ha ha. Happy Weekend Everyone!
Oh and I just wanted to mention that my best bud Abby walked today all by herself at the park! I wish I had been there to see it! Way to go Abby!
Oh and I just wanted to mention that my best bud Abby walked today all by herself at the park! I wish I had been there to see it! Way to go Abby!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Weekend Are You Here Yet?
I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!!! Daddy has worked 7 days in a row now and I'm ready for guy time. We did get in a little guy time the other night after he got home from work. We did the guy thing...we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for mommy. Daddy and I enjoyed a root beer and talked about guy stuff; you know tree houses, swing sets, girls...ok mostly mommy. Anyway we are supposed to be super busy this weeknd. I was supposed to have a play date tomorrow but my buddy Ian has a fever and I've vomitted twice today so our mommy's have decided to put it off til we are both feeling better. What a bummer. I was so looking forward to playing with Ian now that he is 1 I am sure we would have gotten into so much. Tomorrow Mr. Charles is bringing daddy a big machine to dig up our yard with. Daddy is getting ready for our swing set! I am so excited. We are going with Granny and Harold tomorrow to pick it up!!!! Yippie. Daddy says he is going to have a ribbon cutting ceremony for me once he gets it put together! He is so funny. Mommy is so excited we will have somewhere to play. It even has a rock wall and she has already said she wants to go up it first. Well it's past my bedtime and I am going to need all the sleep I can get. Daddy says I have to help him in the yard. This should be on interesting weekend! Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Nothing New
Not much as been going on lately around here. I've been loving this weather and me and mommy are never inside during the day. I've got lots of awesome toys to play with outside and boy have I been playing. Granny said she is going to buy me a swing set from Sam's. I've seen it and it's huge! I think Mommy and Daddy are just as excited as I am. It has a rock wall, a picnic table, swings, everything I need and want! Daddy is going to dig up some of our yard this weekend and get ready for it! I am so excited to get to spend some time outdoors working with daddy. I can't wait to be able to swing at home. Mommy says once I get my new swing set we won't have to go to the park anymore I'll have it all at home! That's about all the news I have for today. Daddy has had to work all week long and Harold has been working a lot too so it's just me and the girls (mommy and Granny). I have a feeling if tomorrow is pretty we will be outside and loving it. Hope the weather is great where you are too! Night night.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
Well the big day is here! It's Valentine's Day! I woke up early and got ready for Darbee and Miss Holly to come over. Mommy burnt our cookies so she had to run get some! Silly girl! I think she was so excited about them coming over she forgot to watch the oven! We had an awesome time! We played with my music toys, Darbee likes the drum and she is really good! We exchanged gifts too! Darbee knows me really well, she gave me three trucks, some snacks and a snack cup! Best valentine gift EVER! I think she liked her bath stuff I gave her. Her mommy brought some snacks for us too! Mommy even let us play outside before they had to go. We ran around and played. Darbee pulled my wagon all over our yard! Daddy is home now and he is sleeping because he's been up a long time! He has school today and tomorrow and then he has to work Wednesday and Thursday! I miss him at bath time but mommy said he would be home tonight! Yippie and I think they are going to take me to Stevie B's for dinner! I am beginning to love Valentine's day!!!! Hope you are spending the day with people you love and doing things you love to do!

I think the gift was a success! Not too sure about this hugging thing!

The cute boy and girl cookies Miss Holly made

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Day!
So since Daddy has to work on valentine's day and he and mommy are anti-valentine for the most part they gave me my gift early! How cool are my gifts?
I got a Seasme Street couch that lets out so I can lay down and watch tv. I got two books, a pack of Valentine Hot Wheels, some m&m's, and a bucket! Best Valentine's Day yet!!
Now tomorrow is the real Valentine's day and how am I going to spend my day? Well I've got a specail Valentine in mind and it's not mommy this year. I'm hoping this girl will be my Valentine.
This is Darbee, and she is coming over tomorrow for a Valentine Party at my house. I'm sure we will have a great time. Mommy is going to make cookies and we are going to have so much fun playing! Happy Valentine's Everyone!
1st Trip to Perry, GA
Yes this blog is a week (ok maybe two) late. So anyway on Feb. 5 we loaded up in the car and headed to Perry, GA. We grabbed some breakfast at Chick-fil-A and headed down the road. I was super tired so I fell asleep right after I finished my biscuit and thank goodness because I think it must be a long ride. We made our first stop at Aunt Jeanine's house. I enjoyed running around and playing there! Aunt Jeanine and Uncle Earl have a very nice house! It was so clean so mommy was worried that I was going to mess something up! We visited there for a little while then made our way to Angie, Ron, Taylor and Nick's house! I loved it!!! They had a deer and a boar on the wall and I got to run around with Nick. It was Ron's birthday so had a lunch with them. Aunt Jeanine made homemade corndogs (yummy), fries, onion rings, baked beans, coleslaw, and a yummy dessert. We had birthday cake and ice cream too! Angie and Ron took me outside to show me their animals. They have chickens, goats, and dogs! I sure do wish we had lots of animals here at home! I had a great time playing with Nick. He let me play with his cowboy hat and gun! Check out the picture below! Nick is so much fun! Angie, Ron, and the kids gave me a toy for a late Christmas gift and I love it. They just happened to give me the helicopter that I gave Ian for his birthday! All in all we had a great time and I can't wait to go back!
Cowboy Corbin (that's me) shooting Nick :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
So tonight I was checking my comments on my blog and I saw that Miss Holly had given me an award. How awesome is that! So here is award that I won...It's the 7 Facts have to first link to the person that awarded here is Miss Holly's Link: Then you post 7 random facts about yourself

1. Right now if you ask me who I love I will only say Daddy :)
2. I love to play hide and seek ALL day long (mommy and daddy aren't the best finders either, it takes them forever to find me!)
3. Even though I don't like shoes I think my new camo boots are pretty awesome, now I just have to learn how to walk in them.
4. I like to help mommy put clothes in the dryer but sometimes I think she tries to hurry so I can't's not my fault most of the clothes I try to put in the washer ends up in the floor :)
5. When daddy's not home and mommy makes icing or cookie dough we sit down and lick it out of the bowl (daddy's says that is gross!)
6. I love to watch westerns but only black and white ones.
7. I'm beginning to like tv a little bit :)
Now that you have my 7 random facts I'm supposed to give the reward to 15 other bloggers but I don't even think I follow that many so we will see how far I get!
Ok so I only have 7 :) Anyway can't wait to read your 7 random facts!
Friday, February 4, 2011
So we've been enjoying daddy being home. For the most part we have been hanging around the house, until yesterday. We woke up to daddy cooking french toast and sausage for breakfast. YUMMY!!! I now know why mommy loves french toast! Then we left to meet Abby, Cullen, Miss Jen, and her mom for a play date. Guess where we went? MONKEY JOE'S!!! Best play date ever! We had a great time. They had lots of inflatable things to jump on. Abby and I had a great time although she and I would have just be content running around the place. Mommy even climbed up the big slide holding on to me! That was so much fun. We even got free drinks because it was thirsty Thursday! I can't wait to go back and play again. After we left there we had to go get daddy's car tested. Good thing it studied because it finally passed! Then we met Miss Holly and Darbee for lunch at Burger King. Boy do I love running around with Darbee! I think I like older girls. She is so cool. And she is always laughing at me. We had a great morning/afternoon. We ran in Target when we left there and daddy bought me a hot wheel! On the way home I crashed! Having two play dates in one morning is tiring! After my nap we went to Granny's for a little while. Harold was home so I got to play with him and read books. Guess where we went when we left there???? To see Miss Holly, Mr. Stacy, and Darbee!!! It must have been my lucky day! She helped mommy with something for Nenabug. And I found a stash of chocolate at her house. Wonder why my mommy doesn't keep stuff like that sitting around? Maybe Miss Holly can talk to mommy about that. Anyway we had a great time there! I'm a little bit nosey but Miss Holly says that's ok. We ended up going to dinner afterwards at Stevie B's...which hello...that's my favorite place! And to top it off we went to Wal-mart and I got a ball, a book, and a new pair of shoes! Phew I'm tired just thinking about all that again! Yep can you say PERFECT DAY!!!!??? Wish everyday was that fun! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! We are going out of town tomorrow so I probably won't blog but look for one Sunday on all the fun stuff we will do tomorrow! Happy Weekend!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Birthday Palooza
Wow where do I start? Well since the last blog three people have had birthdays that are very close to me. The first one we celebrated was Devin's birthday. Devin, Aunt Shellie, and Grandmaw came over to have dinner with us for Devin's birthday. Devin wanted an alien cake and mommy tried her best to find aliens (I know because we spent all day in the car looking for some) for his cake but we didn't find any, so she did what she could...she made cupcakes and shaped them like an alien's head. Devin said it looked more like Squidward from Spongebob, but I don't think it tasted good! Devin got to decide what was for dinner and he picked some yummy stuff. Mommy made shrimp, mac and cheese, carrots, and hush puppies. Can't wait til my birthday next year so I can pick what we have! I think i'll ask for pizza...from Stevie B' will make me and mommy both happy; I get pizza and she doesn't have to cook. :) After dinner Devin opened his gifts. We gave me a Cuponk game and so did Granny and he got extra cuponk balls. We had a great time playing. If I can get the pictures to upload you will see me playing with them. Now onto birthday number 2. Ian that I met at baby time turned one last Saturday. So me and mommy loaded up and went to his 1st birthday party. He had a winnie the pooh party. We got really cool party hats and they had lots of balloons. PERFECT PARTY!!! I love balloons. Miss Rebecca made lasagna and boy was it yummy. We had a great time and Ian got lots of cool gifts. His cake was awesome! And now on to birthday number three; Daddy's. Yesterday was daddy's birthday. Daddy says once you get older birthdays are just another day. I don't think so. Anytime you get a chance to eat lots of cake and ice cream isn't just another day. Mommy and I got up early so we would be up when daddy got home from work. Mommy made birthday pancakes (they were shaped like balloons) and bacon. Then for lunch we had chili dogs and cheese puffs. For dinner we had Pasta bake and Toast. YUMMY food ALL DAY LONG! We gave daddy a dvd for his birthday...did you expect that? Mommy and daddy spent most of daddy's birthday trying to get his tag for his car which stinks. I'm glad my birthdays are all about cake and gifts :) So that wraps up our birthday palooza weekend! I'm exhausted from partying.
And on a side note, last Friday Aunt Sharon came and picked me up for the first time. I got to go to her office with her and see everyone, then she took me to Uncle D's office to see lots of new people. Then we went back to her house to play. I had a great time getting to see Buddy and Shadow. I think mommy missed me but I'm pretty sure she enjoyed a little shopping while I was gone! Thanks Aunt Sharon for the fun time, can't wait til you come get me when are you coming?
*And I tried again to upload pictures not sure why it won't let me :(
And on a side note, last Friday Aunt Sharon came and picked me up for the first time. I got to go to her office with her and see everyone, then she took me to Uncle D's office to see lots of new people. Then we went back to her house to play. I had a great time getting to see Buddy and Shadow. I think mommy missed me but I'm pretty sure she enjoyed a little shopping while I was gone! Thanks Aunt Sharon for the fun time, can't wait til you come get me when are you coming?
*And I tried again to upload pictures not sure why it won't let me :(
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