Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love, Leaving, and Lots of Catching Up

OK so it's been a few days. I can't seem to keep up with the blog. Friday we hung around the house and played. When daddy got up we went to Granny and Harold's for dinner. Granny cooked steaks, potatoes, and salad. We had a great time even though it rained. Saturday we spent all day going and going. We went to Wal-mart, Target, T.J. Maxx, and a million other places. Sunday was mommy and daddy's anniversary. They have been married two years. We looked at wedding pictures but I wasn't too interested in them because I wasn't in them. We planned on going to church but we overslept again. OK daddy overslept but whatever. When daddy got up we went and had lunch at Johnny's Pizza. I had my very own slice! Yummy cheese pizza! While we were sitting there daddy suggested that we go have my pictures done. Well I'm used to having my picture made but good lord I thought the paparazzi were after me. All the flashing ended up giving mommy a headache! I did so great the lady acutally took 140 pictures of me! I've posted a few of them. Hope you liked them. For more of the pictures keep checking back on here and of course I'm sure mommy will post some on Facebook.com

Ok so now on to Monday. Monday was of course babytime at the library. Mommy made a little scrapbook for Miss Lynn because Monday was her last babytime. :( We are very sad that Missy Lynn is retiring. She's been at the library ever since I've been going. It sure will be different without her. The rest of Monday was pretty boring. Oh no wait last night we were at Granny and Harold's. I have my own little seat at Granny's. We were sitting at the table and I decided to become He-man. I kicked with my legs really hard and guess what? I flipped my chair over! I went on a wild ride right down to the floor. Mommy screamed then ran over and grabbed me. I wasn't hurt but you wouldn't have known that by the way I screamed. I screamed and cried for about 10 minutes, but I wasn't really hurt, just scared. Mommy says I'm going to be a dare devil :) So that was the big excitment last night.
We went to Storytime this morning and Miss Lynn read her 5 favorite books. Then after all the stories and songs we made a sand art craft. We went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's tonight for dinner. Now we are home and I'm so tired. I think I'll go climb in the bed and get some good sleep

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