Monday, August 23, 2010

Lots of Exploring Not Much Blogging

Wow I've really let this whole blog thing go. It's been a few days since I've blogged. So what have I been up to? Well I've pretty much got this whole crawling thing down. I don't go far yet...I prefer scooting around, but I can crawl. Daddy calls me "scooter" and I think that's pretty funny. I've decided that I no longer need sleep. I'm good with about an hour then I'm ready to play at all hours of night. A couple of nights I can usually get to bed around midnight then at 3am I'm ready to play until daddy gets home around 6. This is not good for mommy but she is getting better at running on no sleep. Let me think what else...oh I've made some new friends at Story time. Let's see there is Piper (she's my age) and Aiden (he's a little older) and Lilly (another older one). This Thursday my buddy Ian is coming over to our house for dinner. I'm so excited. Our parents are taking us to see a juggler and comedian at the library. Sounds like fun and I love hanging out with Ian. He's so cool for a baby. I guess not much is new. I love to eat. I love anything and everything. I know something cool I can share with everyone. I got a new race car bed! My mom's friends Chris and Emily have two little boys but they've outgrown this cool bed so they gave it to me. And lots of clothes too! Mommy and daddy have already bought me a new mattress for it. I guess we are just waiting on mommy to decide where to put it! Maybe now with a new bed I'll want to sleep...ok maybe not. Mommy's birthday is coming up. I think daddy is planning something for mommy but I'm not sure. I hope daddy will let me help pick out mommy's gift. I'm around mommy all the time and I know just what she likes. She loves books, bubbles, little people, HOT WHEELS, and any toy that makes lots of noises! Secretly I think mommy wants a dog. I know I sure would love one! But I don't think daddy is thinking the same thing.
OK I guess that's all that is new with us. Pretty much the same old stuff. Tomorrow is Tuesday and we have nothing planned. Those are the best days. Maybe I won't be too busy to blog tomorrow. Happy Monday night everyone!

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