Monday, March 1, 2010

Saturday, Sunday, and I'll even throw in a Monday

This picture pretty much describes this weekend. First off Daddy had to work all weekend long! That makes for three really long days with mommy. Saturday morning mommy had people coming over to look at the baby clothes (our living room looks like Babies R' Us). We did really good selling clothes. People mostly bought boy stuff (yay for me because that's my money). I made out quite well. Most of the girls that came to our house still had their babies in their belly (they must keep them there so they don't have to hold them all day...I've heard mommy say that I get heavy...maybe she should look into that baby in the belly thing) but then this one girl brought her baby in MY HOUSE. He was 4 months old and he was a little baby. Well the very idea of bringing a baby in MY HOUSE! I had to show him who ruled this house. I screamed at him. Mommy thought it was a fluke so she moved me closer to him...I had to show her I meant business. I balled my fists up and screamed again. That baby didn't know what to do. He poked his lips out so I screamed again. The very idea of some baby thinking he could just come in my territory. They finally left and now all is well at MY HOUSE. Mommy still has a lot of baby stuff but we are thinking about consigning it, well either that or do a yard sale. Sunday was pretty boring. I guess the most exciting thing for mommy and daddy was a trip to McDonald's and the only reason this was exciting was because I didn't cry when I was put in my car seat. I'm actually liking this new big boy seat; so much so that mommy bought another one for the other car since they are hard to move from car to car. Now on to Monday. I woke up at 6 ready to be fed. Mommy didn't let me go back to sleep instead she got up and got dressed and then we headed out to Wal-mart with daddy so they could get groceries. I was a very good baby. I guess being good comes with age...I'm 5 months old today...happy 5-month birthday to me! I even fell asleep while mommy was shopping. I'm still not sitting up on my own so I can't ride in the buggy yet...but when I do my Granny is prepared. She has already bought me a cover for the buggy! When we got back home mommy and daddy put the groceries up then mommy took care of some business and then we picked up Granny and went to visit Aunt Mott. She isn't doing well. I don't' think she even knew I was there. A lot of people led me today...people I don't know. I was surprised mommy let them hold me. She did wash my hands once everyone was done holding me...must be why we go through so many wipes. Then we came back home and saw Aunt Sharon and Uncle D while they ate lunch. Soon as they left we went to visit Maw Maw Marks. She was in a beauty pageant the other day at the nursing home. We are sorry that we missed it but we were busy. So now we are back at home and just relaxing. A nap sure would be good about now. Think I'll take mommy up on that offer. Night night. Oh I almost forgot the best news of today...mommy called my nurse to find out if I could have more than one type of food at a time and we got great news. I can eat two jars of food a day now. And on top of that she can feed me a fruit and a vegetable at the same time. I'm looking forward to dinner already! Ok now onto that nap.

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