Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ready for the Weekend

So last weekend was pretty much boring. Only one exciting thing happened since Daddy had to work all weekend long. Me and mommy went with Granny, Harold, and Robert to buy groceries. They are having a fish fry this weekend so they needed to pick up a few things for that. On the way home mommy said if they would stop and get ice cream I could have a small bite. Well that made Harold happy. He took us to Dairy Queen. Granny, mommy, and I sat in the car while Robert and Harold ran in. When they came back out Harold had this huge white mush on a cone. They held it to my lips and I didn't know what to do. Finally i got some in my mouth. Wooooo weeee what was that! It was cold and yummy. Then mommy tried to give me a little bit on a spoon. Nah I liked licking it straight off the cone! Man that stuff was yummy and I cried when they took it away. Mommy said I could have more once I get older. Hey I'm older now that I was then wonder if I can have some tomorrow? Probably not. Mommy felt a little guilty for letting me have it when daddy wasn't around. She likes for us all the be there for all of my firsts, but I'm sure daddy will be there next time. So that was the excitement for the weekend. Monday morning mommy and I went to story time minus daddy this time though. It wasn't nearly as fun. We did learn about letters and frogs. Yesterday (Tuesday) we hung around the house. Mommy and daddy cleaned and tried to get things in order for daddy to leave Sunday :( We all went to wal-mart and picked up a few things daddy would need while he was gone. Mommy is beginning to let me ride in the buggy. I only sit there for a few minutes but it's fun. Today was really boring. We went to Granny's but didn't stay long because she's not feeling well. I have never been around Granny when she hasn't picked me up and loved on me so this is weird. We hope she's feeling better tomorrow. Oh and I forgot yesterday mommy and daddy wanted to go running but with Granny feeling sick she didn't want to ask her, so what did mommy do? She asked Robert. He went with us to the track then he sat in the car with me while daddy ran and mommy attempted to. Mommy is sore today and I don't think she should do that again anytime soon. Well I better go I woke up from my nap today at 4:30 and it's midnight and I'm just now getting tired. I better go get some sleep so mommy can rest! Night night. And Happy St. Patty's Day!

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