Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What was I thinking?
I forgot the biggest news of all yesterday on my blog. Sunday morning when I woke up guess what I had? A TOOTH! I decided 5 am was the new wake-up time Sunday so me and daddy were laying in the bed playing my favorite game: let's see what I can get in my mouth. I got daddy's finger and bit it. He told mommy he thought I had a tooth, but at 5 am with little sleep mommy wasn't too interested. But that morning once she was fully awake she was very excited. Mommy was more excited that my tooth came through while daddy was home. Daddy says now I'm on the road to eating Big Macs! I don't know what that is but I'm excited anything has got to be better than food that comes in a jar. Mommy was very excited that maybe I wouldn't have trouble sleeping since my tooth has popped through but guess what? I've got a knot now beside my tooth. Yep tooth number 2 is already working on making an appearance! Today has been pretty uneventful. I woke up had breakfast, played, napped, went outside, played in my wagon, sat on the front porch with mommy, and napped again. We aren't doing anything to night either. Just gonna sit around and wait on daddy to come home. Well I guess that's all for now. Gonna go and watch mommy fold some clothes.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Oh Boy It's Been A Week
So it's been a week since I last posted anything on here; and boy has it been a crazy week. So last Thursday Daddy called and said he was coming home. Mommy was so happy! Daddy said he would call once he got closer. So mommy took me to Granny and Harold's so she could finish getting the house ready and then get dressed. She came and picked me up and took me home and put me down for a nap. Then daddy called and he was only a few minutes away! We loaded into the car and left for the prison. We still had to wait for daddy but not too long. He loaded up our car with all his stuff and we left. Boy was I glad to see him. We went to Wal-mart so mommy and daddy could get a few things. Then mommy treated daddy to a dinner out. We all went to Olive Garden. I of course went to sleep so mommy and daddy could eat. When we got home Aunt Shellie came by to pick up some of Devin's old toys, then a guy mommy went to high school with came over to visit before he moved to Florida. I wasn't sure about him being in our house I just kept my eye on him. Daddy has told me over and over again to protect mommy and even though daddy was home I still watched him closely. Mommy and Daddy said maybe we could go visit him since he is now going to be living in Florida. Apparently they have something there called sand and daddy says we can build castles with it. Sounds crazy to me but I'm sure it would be fun. Anyway Saturday we got up and spent the day out and about. Mommy and Daddy went window shopping. They went to Taco Bell for lunch (since that is daddy's favorite) then we headed home so me and daddy could take a nap. Daddy made homemade burgers for mommy and he went to Granny's and asked her to make baked beans because they love them (and now hopefully daddy knows how to make them). Sunday we didn't do much of anything other than spend time with daddy. I didn't realize it last week but I missed daddy a whole lot. I didn't let mommy get too much sleep. I kept her up quiet a bit. Daddy left again Sunday. This time he is in Forsyth Georgia. Mommy cried a lot this time when daddy left. She said it was different. Daddy keeps telling me I'm gonna have to take care of mommy while he is gone, but boy this is turning out to be a job. I'm too little to take care of her. She is a lot of work. She has been crying today because she misses daddy and I do to but you don't see me crying do you? Mommy has been trying to keep us busy, we did make it story time this week. I'm not sure what we will do next week because story time is canceled because of something called Spring Break. I can't believe they are gonna break spring. :( So far Spring is my favorite season cause I actually get to go outside. Maybe they will fix Spring so we can go back to story time. We stayed outside most of today. Let's see what have I forgotten? Oh daddy is the Section Leader of his group. Way to go Daddy! We can't wait til graduation. I have a doctor's appointment Friday and then Sunday some bunny is gonna come see me. Yeah first some big fat man broke into our house at Christmas, I checked, but I don't think he took anything in fact he left stuff, and now some bunny is gonna come in while I'm sleeping and leave me a basket. I think mommy and daddy need to get new locks for our house. People aren't supposed to be able to just come in your house right? Ok I think I've covered everything. If I think of anything else I'll save it for tomorrow. Good night for now!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 2...still no daddy
I think I heard his voice today though. I keep waiting for him to peek around the corner but this is the longest game of Peek-a-boo ever! Usually it goes something like this...where is Corbin then daddy takes his hands off his face and says right there. But sign of Daddy anywhere. Mommy talked to him today though. Daddy is doing great. He made Cadet Leader today! Yay Daddy! We aren't sure what all that means but it's gotta be good. He and his room mate are headed out to dinner then daddy is gonna call. Mommy has been keeping her mind of daddy. She's been cleaning like a crazy woman. The house looks like we don't even live in it. Ok think I'll take a nap now so I can be up when daddy calls. I'll try to blog later about the phone call but if it's late I'll fill you in tomorrow :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Paw Paw's, a Fish Fry, and Dad is MIA
So Saturday morning I got up and got going. We started out by going to Granny's to get mommy's shirt. (Mommy doesn't iron and she felt bad asking daddy to do it so she asked Granny) Then I got to spend a few minutes with Granny while mommy ran to the bank and to get some sweet tea for the fish fry. Then soon as I got back mommy dressed me up and we went to Paw Paw and Maw Maw's so daddy could shoot his gun. I enjoyed going to their house. I had never been there before. I got to see them which I love! Daddy liked going too because he actually got to play with his gun! We are gonna go back soon I hope! When we left there we came home and I napped for a few minutes while mommy and daddy got ready for the fish fry. Soon as we got to Granny and Harold's I woke up. Man there were a ton of people there. I knew alot of the people but I did meet some new people too. My uncle D was there and he even brought his guitar! And then Miss Kris showed up and I was hoping she would sing! Guess what? She did. And it put me right to sleep. The louder she sings and the band plays the better I sleep. Mommy said she was gonna buy one of their CD's so I could fall asleep every night to her singing, which I will admit is better than listening to mommy (sorry mommy). I wasn't sure what to expect at the fish fry but I had a great time. Miss Becky held me alot. She sure does know how to make a baby laugh. I really like her and Mr. Roger! Mommy talked about letting me go home with her, but for reason I just came back home with them. I guess I had such a busy day yesterday that I was too excited to sleep. I think I finally fell asleep around 1. And going to bed so late made us sleep in. I think mommy and daddy finally woke up around noon! Then it was full on work, trying to get everything ready for daddy. He had to leave today. To me at least tonight it just feels like he is at work. But mommy said it would be different because he won't be home for a whole week. I sure am gonna miss my daddy :( Mommy made him a little bag to take to remember us by...let me see if I can remember what all she put in it...
5 kisses-one for each night we won't be there to kiss him night night
Lifesavers because that's what he is to us...our lifesaver
Fireballs because mommy has the "hots" for him (Gross mom, just gross!)
Lemon heads for when life isn't sweet while he is away from mom
Then ear plugs, so he can save his hearing because we always want to be able to hear us when we tell him that we love him and we are proud of him.
I think it was a cute idea well all but the fire balls. So mommy is trying to get me back on a schedule so I guess I need to call it a night. We have story time in the morning so it's off to bed for me! Goodnight :)
5 kisses-one for each night we won't be there to kiss him night night
Lifesavers because that's what he is to us...our lifesaver
Fireballs because mommy has the "hots" for him (Gross mom, just gross!)
Lemon heads for when life isn't sweet while he is away from mom
Then ear plugs, so he can save his hearing because we always want to be able to hear us when we tell him that we love him and we are proud of him.
I think it was a cute idea well all but the fire balls. So mommy is trying to get me back on a schedule so I guess I need to call it a night. We have story time in the morning so it's off to bed for me! Goodnight :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Cha Cha Cha Changes

2nd Change is that daddy leaves in two days and even though mommy says things will be different I don't really understand.
3rd and most important change is that I don't need sleep anymore! It's great I take me a short nap in the early afternoon and I'm good til midnight or later. Mommy is sleep deprived whatever that means. I don't like to sleep anymore it's too boring. And don't get me wrong being awake is fun but it's better when I'm moving. I love to be walked and talked too! And if you can make me laugh that's just a bonus! Ok that's all for now. I've sat still long enough. Not sure if I will have time to "blog" tomorrow so I hope everyone has a good weekend. WOOO HOOOO it's the weekend!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Who Needs Sleep?
Not me. I went to bed last night around midnight and I got up at 6 am. I figured I would take the time to blog now because I'm sure once I finally go to sleep (which might be when I turn 30) I'm gonna take a looonnnnggg nap. So me and mommy are ready for tonight to be over with. Mommy and I will have be by ourselves tonight then daddy will be home Friday night and Saturday night. Friday we don't have anything big planned. Maybe mommy and daddy can sneak in one last date night before he leaves for shooting classes. I don't mind staying with Granny. Then Saturday is gonna be busy. Mommy used to love busy days, but not so much since I've come along. If my naps get thrown off I'm no fun to be around. Saturday morning we are going to Paw Paw Tweedell's so he and daddy can shoot guns. I have a BB gun but mommy said I'm too little this time. Then we are gonna have lunch with them. Once we are done there we are gonna head to Granny and Harold's for the fish fry. Harold and Granny usually try to do at least one fish fry a year (or so I'm told). Daddy loves catfish, especially when Harold cooks them. Mommy is making the sweet tea, bacon dip, and dad's doing some mac and cheese for the kids. I can't wait to go and see lots of people. Mommy already has all of our outfits picked out. Me and daddy just let her pick out our clothes to make her happy (even though I think we are both capable of doing it ourselves). Then Sunday it's gonna be just us. Family day! Mommy is gonna make a nice lunch for us then we are just gonna spend time with daddy before he has to leave. Hopefully daddy and the guy going with him will do a good job shooting so they can come back early! That's what me and mommy are looking forward to anyway. Mommy is anxious about daddy leaving because they have never spent more than one day apart from each other in the past 9 years. It's gonna be different but I'm sure we will adjust. Ok I think I might give one of those naps a try. Nighty night.
Ready for the Weekend
So last weekend was pretty much boring. Only one exciting thing happened since Daddy had to work all weekend long. Me and mommy went with Granny, Harold, and Robert to buy groceries. They are having a fish fry this weekend so they needed to pick up a few things for that. On the way home mommy said if they would stop and get ice cream I could have a small bite. Well that made Harold happy. He took us to Dairy Queen. Granny, mommy, and I sat in the car while Robert and Harold ran in. When they came back out Harold had this huge white mush on a cone. They held it to my lips and I didn't know what to do. Finally i got some in my mouth. Wooooo weeee what was that! It was cold and yummy. Then mommy tried to give me a little bit on a spoon. Nah I liked licking it straight off the cone! Man that stuff was yummy and I cried when they took it away. Mommy said I could have more once I get older. Hey I'm older now that I was then wonder if I can have some tomorrow? Probably not. Mommy felt a little guilty for letting me have it when daddy wasn't around. She likes for us all the be there for all of my firsts, but I'm sure daddy will be there next time. So that was the excitement for the weekend. Monday morning mommy and I went to story time minus daddy this time though. It wasn't nearly as fun. We did learn about letters and frogs. Yesterday (Tuesday) we hung around the house. Mommy and daddy cleaned and tried to get things in order for daddy to leave Sunday :( We all went to wal-mart and picked up a few things daddy would need while he was gone. Mommy is beginning to let me ride in the buggy. I only sit there for a few minutes but it's fun. Today was really boring. We went to Granny's but didn't stay long because she's not feeling well. I have never been around Granny when she hasn't picked me up and loved on me so this is weird. We hope she's feeling better tomorrow. Oh and I forgot yesterday mommy and daddy wanted to go running but with Granny feeling sick she didn't want to ask her, so what did mommy do? She asked Robert. He went with us to the track then he sat in the car with me while daddy ran and mommy attempted to. Mommy is sore today and I don't think she should do that again anytime soon. Well I better go I woke up from my nap today at 4:30 and it's midnight and I'm just now getting tired. I better go get some sleep so mommy can rest! Night night. And Happy St. Patty's Day!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Story Time Rocks
Yesterday mommy was really excited about taking me to story time. I thought she was going crazy because the last time we went to story time it was when the sun was up. But they fed me dinner then got me dressed and we headed out. Daddy didn't have to work last night so he went with us. Anyway we got to the library and Miss Lynn was waiting for us at the door. She opened the door and we went inside. So mommy wasn't losing her mind they were doing a special story time last night all about TRAINS!!!! Mommy introduced me and daddy to Miss Lynn because even though she has seen pictures she had never met us. Then we went to the story room and the fun began! A man came in there and played a guitar (personally I still like Uncle D the best, he could blow that man out of the water), we sang songs; even my favorite one Itsy Bitsy Spider! They read to us and then the older kids got to make a train on a piece of paper and since mommy apparently thinks she's still a kid she made one. Sure she said it was for me but she looked so proud of her train :) We had a great time at Story time and mommy said we would try to make it up there Monday morning for baby story time again. I love books, songs, and I really like Miss Lynn she is so nice and so silly. I loved listening about the little train that made it over the mountain. Mommy says that I have a train set to play with but I just have to be a little bit older to play with it, and Granny has a train that blows real smoke! OK I guess that's all for now. Daddy has to work all weekend long so it will be pretty boring around here. But we will stick it out because next week is a short week and he only works two days!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Things I Love Now
I'm a lucky little boy...I have lots of people around me that love me and that take up a lot of time with me. So with nothing in particular to blog about this morning I thought I would just talk about things I love; so here goes.
I love...
I love...
- that daddy says he's gonna use me as a pillow then he lays his head on my belly and snores (I laugh every time!)
- that Harold calls me HOT...he says it's because he said I should have been named Herman Otis Tweedell making my initials HOT, but we all know it's because he can't remember my name, that's ok with me because he calls my cousin Devin...DOG, yep he couldn't remember his name either
- that even though mommy and daddy weren't supposed to; they turned my car seat around facing outward. Now I can see where I'm going and it makes car rides so much nicer, for me and for them.
- when mommy says she's gonna get my baby back ribs then she tickles me.
- when Granny gets my toes and tickles them
- when my Paw Paw and Grandmaw Becky come they bring me batteries (for my toys and my swings) and I love that they come to see me almost every other weekend.
- trying to drink my juice from a sippy cup, even though it's messy mommy doesn't mind
- that last night I got to try meat for the first time...yes it was different and yes I loved it
- looking at flash cards, we do it every night
- going to Granny and Harold's at lunch time because Aunt Sharon and Uncle D are there (and I'm secretly waiting to eat my lunch with Uncle D...I'm tired of watching him eat everyday while I get nothing)
- being at Granny and Harold's on the weekends because Robert is there
- when Aunt Shellie and Devin come over because I love to watch Devin run around and plus Aunt Shellie knows I love to be held and walked and that's what she does :)
- and most of all I love my mommy and daddy because no matter what we do...they always laugh and make me smile
So yep life is pretty good for me. Here in our little house we are very lucky. Life couldn't be any better for us. I hope everyone reading this is as blessed as we are :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Teething Bites
So yep I've let my blog go for a few days but I have a good excuse. Something is trying to poke through my mouth. Mommy and Daddy keep talking about these teeth things, but I've got no clue. Mommy has read the Tooth Book to me a million times yet I still don't understand what to do with them. Daddy says I need them so I can hot wings, Big Macs, and steaks with him; so they must be pretty important. Nothing exciting has happened around here lately. I did get an exersaucer. It's really cool. A lot to do in a little space :) Mommy and Daddy have been busy trying to get the house spotless and the cars cleaned because daddy leaves in less than two weeks for Police Boot Camp. Daddy is excited to go and get it over with. Mommy is a little sad because she and daddy have never really spent a lot of time apart since they met. And me? Well I'm just clueless as to what is gonna happen. I think it will be weird not to have daddy laying beside us in the mornings, and for him to be absent during story time, and I'm pretty sure mom doesn't like cartoons so there won't be any of those on tv while he's gone. :( Mommy is excited about the party, it's all planned out. Mommy is a planner...lots of lists and lots of ideas (which hardly ever go her way but she has good intentions). Well that's all for today, like I said it's been pretty normal around here. I've gotta sneak in a nap today because mommy and daddy are taking me to see a bunny tonight! Not sure why they want me to see this bunny but it's better than sitting in the house all night. I'm sure I will have some new pictures to post tomorrow.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Saturday, Sunday, and I'll even throw in a Monday

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