Apparently at Christmas time you don't have enough time to get on the computer every day. There is no way I can catch up with every little thing we did every day so I will just cover the important things. On the 19
th of December we went to visit Mom's friend Brandi and her family. They just bought a new house and it was our first time going. Mom and dad got to eat some yummy food then we exchanged gifts. I gave the twins scarves and Life-size dolls. They loved them. Once they opened the packages they began changing the dolls clothes. Now I don't understand why they wanted to play with those dolls...must be a girl thing. The Bay's gave me a wooden ring stacker and a book. Mom read the book to me soon as we got home. We had a great time at the Bay's and we can't wait to go back.
The 20
th of December we woke up and went to Church. I love church cause I get to sleep and mom holds me. After church we came home and had lunch. Mom and Dad spent the day getting ready for Christmas since it was only 5 days away. Then that afternoon we went back to church for the Christmas Play. I slept right through that too! Then after the play we went to the fellowship hall and I got to sit in Santa's lap for the first time. After church we went out to eat with Granny and Harold.
The 23 of December was a day mom will always remember
because I slept from midnight to 5:30 in the morning. I don't see what the big deal is but it made her smile so it must be something great.
Christmas Eve mom woke up early to start cooking. My dad's side of the family was coming for brunch. Mom and Dad had mixed up some casseroles the night before so mom wouldn't have to do a whole lot in the morning. We had Ham and Cheese Casserole,
Hashbrown casserole, bacon and muffins (aunt
Shellie brought), apple cream cheese braid, and then all the sweets mom had made for Christmas. We had a full house. Aunt Shellie, Tyler, Devin, Aunt Kellie, Larry, Paw-Paw
Tweedell and Becky and
Grandmaw Tweedell were all here at our house. After brunch Aunt Shellie handed out gifts and then the fun began. Mom let Devin open my gifts since I can't really tear into them yet. Devin would open my present then show it to me. I really racked up. I got diapers, wipes, a huge ball, a cool outfit, a DVD and a bear, and lots of little
teethers and 6 Dr.
Suess books. Mom and Dad were lucky too they got a camcorder from Paw-Paw and Becky. I got a giraffe that is really a blanket and once I got that i snuggled up and went to sleep. After everyone left mom and dad made cookies and when I woke up we went to Mrs. Carrie Lee's house, but on the way there it started raining so I didn't get to get out of the car. When we left her house we went to Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy's house to take them some cookies too. I love to go to their house. Mrs. Patsy and Mr. Steve both have to hold me when we go; and boy do I love to be held. After we left there we made our way to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house. We were having Christmas dinner with them. Granny and Harold finally showed up and they ate dinner. They had BBQ and stew and lots of sides. After everyone was done we opened more gifts. I got more diapers, clothes, and lots of toys. Aunt Sharon even poked a hole in one of my gifts. When I got done we came home and unloaded the car. Mom got me ready for bed then we headed to Granny's house to spend the night. Since I'm so little and I probably won't remember this Christmas any way mom and dad spent the night at Granny and Harold's house. Santa knew I was gonna be there and he to see me over there. Granny was so sweet to mommy and daddy...she let them go to bed alone and I slept in my bed over there. When I woke up Granny took me to mommy and she fed me, then I slept with mommy and daddy. When I woke up at 6:30 Santa had been to see me. I can't believe I was asleep when he came. I was sure the sound of these deer that pulls his sleigh would have awoken me. I waited til 7:30 before I woke up daddy and Harold. Mom and Dad laid me on the couch then they opened my gifts. I hope they enjoyed it this year because next year I'm doing it myself! After I opened my gifts Granny started making breakfast and then soon after Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert came over. Santa came to see Robert too. We ate breakfast then we went home. Me and Daddy took a nap while mommy cleaned. Then when we woke up we went riding. Nothing was opened so we came home. Mom and Dad took me to Granny's for a while and they came home and ate dinner then they went and looked at Christmas lights. I guess this Christmas thing is pretty cool. I'm assuming it will get better once I can open gifts. Santa brought me all kinds of stuff. I got a Red Ryder BB Gun...yep and I'm only 2 1/2 months old, and I got books,
teethers, rattles, and clothes! Santa was very good to me.
Ok now on to yesterday. We went to Me-Maw
Tweedell's for a family dinner. I got to see lots of new people and I got to play with a baby that is near my age. He is 6 months old and I loved looking at him. I even laughed at him. Oh yeah I'm laughing now :) We had a great time visiting with family that we never get to see. Well that brings us to today. We are gonna hang around the house today and try to recover from the past week. Phew I'm tired now.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I hope you all remembered why we celebrate Christmas. It's not about getting gifts or Santa. It's about Baby Jesus, mom has been telling me all about him. I just hope everyone took the time to remember him. I will try to keep up with this blog thing now that the holidays are over with. :)